Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Featured Station: Music for a New Era

After years of playing in various chamber groups, and composing her own music, Debra Rowe one day said "I want to own a radio station”.  With her experience in the radio and music industry, Debra wanted to showcase her talent to a wider audience. 

After listening to Live365 for many years, Debra launched “Music for a New Era" in December 2008.  Since then, People from all over the world including Ukraine, Japan, Belgium, Colombia, United Arab Emirates, and Finland have come back again and again to enjoy the music. 

In just over two years, the listenership has increased from 0 to over 1200 listening hours per month. The stations success has launched it to the number one ranked chamber music station on Live365. 15,000 hours of listening time later, “it's as if I gave a one hour concert to a football stadium of fans!”

On her music, Debra feels her music is “intimate, quiet and contemplative.  I've heard back from listeners who say they love having the station on in the background as they go through their hectic workdays”

“For them, it's an oasis of soothing, gentle sound.  For me, it's a dream come true - my own radio station! I create the playlist, I take the photos and create the album art.  The Live365 people take care of all the important stuff that I don't want to deal with. The software is easy and even fun to use, and I have as much control as is probably good for me.  I find it motivates me to create even more music knowing I have listeners to satisfy!”

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